04 May 2021, 7:00 pm
Online Event
Rules & Regulations:
❖ What is Ship Wreck: An unexpeected tragedy happens in the middle of the sea and the ship is going to sink! But unfortunately there is only one life jacket. So prove your captain that you are the person worth for that Jacket and Save yourself!
❖ The event will be conducted in 3 rounds.
❖ The Preliminary Round: The topic for the preliminary round is Body Organs, the participants can choose any organ of their choice. The participants must justify their organ of choice is the best organ than others organs. Shoot a video with your points for about 2 minutes and Based on the facts & creativity participants are evaluated and will be promoted to the next round.
❖ The Second round: Only 16 participants will have the chance to sail in the ship based on the performance in preliminary. The 16 will be split into 4 separate batches. A batch of 4 will compete with each other for a single life jacket.
❖ The Third Round: Only 4 participants will reach the Deep sea. The rules are the same.
❖ The topics for 2nd & 3rd rounds will be decides by the same proportionate system & will be said 1 day before the event.
Special Rule:
❖ The points you speak generally help you to stay in neutral. But when you give an outstanding point which would convince the
captain, then you will move a step forward towards the ship & you will be pulled one step back for an inappropriate point. This way you will reach near to the Life Jacket.
❖ Judge’s decision will be final.